Your Impact Matters: Embracing Sustainability in Daily Choices
If you are to ask random people what sustainability means to them, I am sure you are likely to get different responses. Most people traditionally think sustainability is about the environment or environmentalism. If you ask the financial people, it is about how it affects their returns. If you ask an employee in a typical manufacturing organization, their response may be that it is HSE people’s problem.
What exactly should be the focus of sustainability? It is about our survival. How can we use resources sustainably to meet both present and future needs? It is a development that is inclusive and considers environmental and social goals. It is about humanity.
Let’s quickly discuss the tragedy of the commons. So, if I am a fisherman and fish regularly in the ocean nearby, but because of the need to make a profit, I decide to use toxic chemicals to get my catch. If there are more of me, the likely scenario is a sharp decline in the Fishes population. Essentially, what they have done is overexploitation, ocean pollution, and unsustainable action. Why is this a tragedy? The ocean is a shared resource, a natural capital. The fisherman does not have a monopoly of the ocean and its resources.
So, the next question is, how significant are we on this earth? Do we need the earth, or does the earth need us? If you look at it from the universe, we are pretty small. In terms of impact, we have had a significant impact on the climate, forests, and oceans.
On a global scale, the average daily waste generated per person stands at 0.74 kilograms; this figure fluctuates significantly based on location, spanning from 0.11 kilograms to 4.54 kilograms. This is according to the World Bank Report. By 2050, global waste is expected to grow to 3.40 billion.
Certainly, we have an impact and can also make an impact. Today, we ask you to reflect on your impacts. We are responsible for making a positive impact and contributing to social prosperity.
As we approach the end of the year, this is a perfect time for reflection. What will you do differently to imbibe a sustainable lifestyle in the new year? From proper waste management to responsible consumption and energy conservation to resource efficiency, individuals and organizations can take small actions that can significantly impact the earth’s systems. In the age of responsibility and accountability, action is the only action.
As we celebrate this season, we must consider our lifestyle and make choices and decisions promoting sustainability.
Thank you for reading, and from all of us at Parallelpoint Consult, we wish you an amazing new year.
Sustainability Slogans
Sustainability is about lifestyle
Sustainability is about resource efficiency
Sustainability is survival
Sustainability is about making sustainable change